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Coat Care

Your Greyhound Coat needs special care to ensure it maintains its shape and colour for as long as possible. Here are a few simple steps to follow for a beautiful and long-lasting coat:


  • It is important you use cold water the first time you hand wash the Greyhound Coat.

  • Wash the coat by hand, delicately and without wringing it out of shape.

  • In general, a coat should be never washed in water that's warmer than 40°C. 

  • It is also recommended that you add a bit of fabric softener when you wash your Greyhound Coat to protect its delicate texture.

  • Dryers and radiators are NOT recommended. It is best to allow your coat to drip dry, the most natural way.

  • Do NOT iron your coat. For keeping a good shape, ensure it holds the desired shape when drip drying. 

  • Do NOT use bleach in any case or your coat will be instantly and permanently damaged.

  • Do NOT use harsh detergents that could result in the fabric discoloration or tissue damage.

  • Do NOT dry clean.

  • Do NOT steam your coat.

  • Gently remove your dog's hair from the coat by using a lint remover.

Every Greyhound Coat has a set of icons on the care instruction label that will indicate how it must be washed and cared for. Please, ensure you know the meaning of each icon before you proceed. You can find the complete legend of the icons and their meaning below.

Greyhound coats Australia care instructions

LUXURIOUS DOG COATS l SHAMPOOS, CONDITIONERS & DENTAL PRODUCTS l 03 9981 0070 Elitehound Australia  l 2017 - 2024 l Privacy Policy

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